Customer Experience

AI financial assistant: The Best Solution for an Outstanding and Unprecedented Customer Experience!

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Many banks and business organizations use a personal assistance as a way to reduce permanent staff costs. A personal assistant works on a freelance basis and receives a pay only for the tasks assigned to him/her. The bank assistant job has developed over time to become, in many instances, virtual and digital. A virtual digital bank assistant does not actually work from the company offices, but rather execute the required tasks virtually. The bank assistant tasks vary, including scheduling appointments with customers, bookkeeping, and providing marketing services. The assistant is therefore expected to have the ability to understand the general framework of banking operations in addition to other administrative skills relevant to banking.

Why is the virtual financial assistant can be the best solution for an outstanding and unprecedented customer experience?

The virtual financial assistant plays a role in providing a better customer service as it adds value to and further supports the business environment for the banking sector.

Instant solutions for customer inquiries and problems!

The virtual financial assistant works collaboratively with the customer services staff to respond to queries received from customers and offer the best solutions of customer issues, as per available knowledge and given authority. The virtual financial assistant refers an issue to the relevant employee or department and follows through until the matter is solved.

Helping customers obtain their requested account summary or transaction record

The virtual financial assistant performs the role of the department responsible for issuing bank statements needed to apply for loans or for a customer to submit such information to other finance institutions so they can assess whether the customer can endure credit risk or new debts.

Suitable and flexible AI-powered solutions

The virtual banking assistant can be utilized differently and in a smart way that integrates the banking service system within AI applications in order to provide better customer service through the following features:

Smart conversation:  The virtual banking assistant engages in virtual conversational programs that provide a unique banking service to customers. The programs are synchronized with the key banking services, providing automated replies to all the questions and giving customers the exact kind of service they look for.

Process complex transactions: By integrating AI-powered applications with the programs that operate banking services, it is possible to complete relatively complex transactions, such as mortgages. This makes the process more comfortable for customers who seek services that naturally take a long time and require multiple procedures.

Text interpretation and reviewing: Smart programs are able to understand customer needs through written text, synonyms and expressions, as well understanding a context or a statement made by a customer, in addition to the ability to overcome typos and spelling mistakes. This has made the responses of such programs even more compatible with the needs of customers. Upon understanding the exact required services, the smart programs rush to address the needs of customers with the best solutions or available procedures.

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